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Published on January 15, 2025
New Digital Trail Guide Enhances Outdoor Exploration in RaleighSource: City of Raleigh

Raleigh has introduced the Capital Area Greenway Explorer Map, a new web-based tool developed by the Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department. This map is designed to help residents easily find trailheads, parking lots, and essential amenities throughout the city.

According to the City of Raleigh, the project was developed by the Office of Strategy and Innovation’s Raleigh Impact Lab, which focuses on solving complex challenges through human-centered design, turning "How might we..." questions into practical solutions.

The Greenway Explorer Map uses geolocation to show users nearby trailheads, restrooms, bike rental stations, playgrounds, and other amenities. The tool also includes additional features, such as links to Greenway Closures and Alerts or the ability to submit a SeeClickFix report if users notice issues during their visits.

Optimized for mobile use, the map also functions well on computers and tablets. The map does not provide in-app navigation but offers useful information. To enhance accessibility, QR codes are placed along the Greenway, allowing users to easily access the map with their mobile devices.