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Published on January 16, 2025
Tacoma City Council Invites Public Input on Extension of Moratorium for High-Impact Businesses in Groundwater Protection DistrictSource: Google Street View

Coming up on February 4, the Tacoma City Council is set to open the floor to public opinion on the fate of high-impact businesses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District (STGPD). Scheduled into the evening's agenda, no earlier than 5:15 PM, residents will have their say during the hybrid meeting—both virtual and in-person participation options have been announced, as per details at City of Tacoma.

It began in March 2023; a pause button was pushed on the development of underground storage tanks, and the metal recycling or auto wrecking business expansions, which could last until the city presents its planned updates to the STGPD code later this year, the moratorium's been stretched out twice already, evidencing the city's caution, the current expiration date looms on March 20, and this newest proposal aims to stall these high-impact uses for an additional six months.

Those wishing to voice their thoughts but can't attend the meeting have until 5 PM on February 3 to submit written comments, which can be dispatched either via email to [email protected] or by old-fashioned mail—to 733 Market Street, Room 11, Tacoma, WA 98402. The upcoming hearing follows the pattern of proactive community engagement Tacoma's City Council appears to uphold, granting a platform for local voices to intersect with the city's environmental stewardship.

For a deeper dive into what the moratorium extension entails, individuals can reach out to Senior Planner Maryam Moeinian at [email protected] or (253) 532-1446, this direct line to planners highlights an accessible civic process in which residents are given ample opportunity, not just to raise their concerns, but to acquire information they need to formulate their positions on matters directly affecting the aquifer beneath their feet, information about the proposed extension is also available on the City of Tacoma's website.