Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on September 03, 2015
McAllister Street Changes Approved To Speed Up 5-Fulton, Plus More Bus UpdatesA 21-Hayes stop on Alamo Square (Photo: Stephen Jackson/Hoodline)

Big changes are underway for several bus lines that run through, or near, the Divisadero corridor. The SFMTA plans to increase service to the 24-Divisadero, 43-Masonic and 21-Hayes routes. In addition, a vote on Tuesday approved plans to speed up the 5-Fulton's passage along McAllister Street. 

The 5-Fulton and McAllister Street

The 5-Fulton's speed has been a concern for urban planners and the SFMTA for the past several years. In 2013, the 5-Limited was introduced, which only stops at certain high-volume stop (earlier this year is was renamed the 5-Rapid). According to Ed Reiskin, SFMTA Director of Transportation, ridership grew by 10 percent along the 5-Fulton's route following the addition of a rapid service. 

Plans have also been in the works for the past couple years on ways to improve McAllister Street, with the goal of moving the 5-Fulton along its route more quickly.

Initial plans to install traffic lights along the street met with resistance from the neighborhood. In response, a new plan put forth by the SFMTA in July reduced the number of traffic lights, substituting traffic circles in their place at the intersections of McAllister and Lyon, and McAllister and Steiner streets.The SFMTA's Board of Directors approved the plan in a hearing on Tuesday afternoon. 

The upcoming changes to McAllister Street include not just traffic circles and signals, but also pedestrian bulbs, pedestrian islands, and extended bus zones. Here's SFMTA's breakdown of what's happening where:

The changes to McAllister Street are estimated to speed up the 5-Fulton by 20 percent, getting its 200,000  20,000 daily riders to their destinations more quickly. We'll let you know when construction along McAllister will begin. 

Increase In Frequency for the 21, 43 and 24

Image: Paul Sullivan/Flickr

The 5-Fulton has received a lot of public attention over the past few years, but behind the scenes the SFMTA has also been working on other bus line improvements. Last Friday, they announced an increase in frequency for the 21-Hayes, 43-Masonic and 24-Divisadero bus lines. 

A total of 30 new hybrid electric motor coaches, each measuring sixty feet long, will be introduced to the streets of San Francisco this September, plus seven new trolley coaches. With the addition of new buses, several routes will receive an increase in service, cutting down the wait time for commuters traveling in or out of the neighborhood. 

The 24-Divisadero will see buses arriving every nine minutes throughout the day, instead of every ten. 

21-Hayes riders will be able to catch a bus every 8.5 minutes instead of every ten minutes in the afternoon. The morning "peak" hours will also be extended, increasing frequency for the morning commute.

Finally, the 43-Masonic will increase bus frequency from every ten minutes in the morning to every nine minutes. Afternoon service will see buses arriving every ten minutes.

Although a minute here or there may not seem like a significant change, the addition of new buses and drivers marks a big step forward for public transportation in the neighborhood. As for whether the 5-Fulton will actually be speedier with the changes to McAllister Street, only time will tell.