Here's the latest installment of news from our tipline — which you can now contribute to via text at (415) 200-3233.
First, regarding the image above ... what is there to say? Go Warriors?
"Someone doesn't like Kobe too much," explains tipster/photographer Mark. "I don't blame them. Taken at the Pierce St inbound 5 stop."
Meanwhile, over in Duboce Triangle, Kristopher G. captures a weekend scene that's straight out of The Blair Witch Project (if it were about plants).
Someone went on a rampage last night along the east side of Noe and Pierce between Market and Haight. Dozens of potted plants ripped up and tossed in the street and on cars, pots broken, other pots dragged around.
It's not a huge deal, but plants and pots are expensive and utterly inoffensive, so a lot of people are going to wake up to a nasty, expensive clean-up project today.
Some people just seem to have it out for Duboce-area plants, as similar thieving and acts of wanton destruction have been happening in the neighborhood for years.
Up the hill, reader Bob P. is wondering whether the temporary barricade on 17th Street, just east of Clayton, will ever be removed. We're waiting to hear back from the city, but here's a Google Maps photo from June that confirms this barricade has been there for most of the year.
Down in the central city, election efforts are in full swing. Supervisor Jane Kim, known for the direct outreach efforts that helped her win the District 6 slot, was spotted by tipster Desiree P. saying hi to locals at the intersection of Powell and Bush. She's running a closely contested race against fellow Supervisor Scott Wiener for the local State Senate seat.
There have been more reports of mail theft in the city, following up on our story from Saturday. Tipster Craig L. shares the following, including a photo of one of the alleged suspects.
We had a break-in at the building I own / manage in the Tenderloin. They hopped the gate, used a screwdriver to open doors, and stole boxes and a poster off the wall. My [security] camera took a great photo.
Got a tip to share? Have a question that needs answering? Use our online form or text us at (415) 200-3233, and your contributions may appear in a future article tipline post.