Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Food & Drinks
Published on October 16, 2018
SF Planning offers initial feedback on Brewcade’s potential expansion plansBrewcade at 2200B Market Street. | Photo: Steven Bracco/Hoodline

The San Francisco Planning Department has issued a letter of determination in regards to Brewcade's potential expansion at 2200B Market Street.

Hoodline readers will recall last month Brewcade proposed expanding its popular arcade bar into what was then Botellón (2200A Market Street).

Since that time, Botellón has closed its restaurant and Brewcade has been awaiting a decision from planning.

Botellón at 2200A Market Street is now closed. | Photo: Steven Bracco/Hoodline

At the time of the original expansion announcement, Brewcade's Shawn Vergara told Hoodline, "We're still going through the process, and looking into the feasibility of the project moving forward."

"We're trying to be respectful and go through the proper channels," he added.

In order to achieve the expansion, Brewcade would surrender its Type 42 beer and wine license and take over Botellón's Type 47 license, allowing the arcade to sell food, full liquor and cocktails.

Brewcade requested the letter of determination from Planning in order to address some questions and concerns from landlord Leticia Luna.

Brewcade would take over the space previously occupied by Botellón.| Photo: Steven Bracco/Hoodline

Brewcade's proposed expansion would result in a combined square footage of approximately 4,971 feet.

According to Zoning Administrator Scott Sanchez's letter of determination, the expanded business would exceed 2,999 square feet, requiring Conditional Use Authorization.

"While 2200A Market Street was approved through a Conditional Use Authorization in 2013, the increase in use size from 2,973 square feet to 4,971 square feet is a significant intensification of the use and requires a new Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code," wrote Sanchez.

Brewcade would take over the entire ground floor retail space. | Photo: Steven Bracco/Hoodline

An additional Conditional Use permit would be required for the arcade bar if it includes eleven or more amusement game devices.

Sanchez adds that the size of the restaurant triggers another Conditional Use Authorization due to the restaurant exceeding 75 contiguous linear feet along Market Street.

In regards to splitting the space again, Sanchez concluded Conditional Use Authorization would be required.

"The proposal would result in the abandonment of the existing Bar Use at 2200B Market Street. As such, a Conditional Use Authorization would be required to restore this use," wrote Sanchez.

Sanchez goes on to explain that both spaces could be demised as they originally were because they both meet Planning Code requirements.

But he says, "Compliance with the Planning Code cannot be assessed without knowing the potential use of the spaces."

Inside Brewcade. | Photo: Steven Bracco/Hoodline

One of the biggest issues regarding this expansion was the ability of retaining the bar entitlement at Brewcade. Sanchez determined that "once the Bar Use has been abandoned, it cannot be restored except through the Conditional Use  Authorization process."

Hoodline reached out to property owner Leticia Luna for comment about letter. While she hadn't had a chance to review the letter she said, "If they're able to [expand], I don't have a problem."

Hoodline contacted Vergara for comment about the letter and if they would pursue the required permits.  "I  think it is best to not make any comments as of now," Vergara said.

As we learn more about this project, we'll keep you updated.