Looking to explore the top florists around?
Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the top florists in Miami Beach, using both Yelp data and our own secret sauce to produce a ranked list of the best spots to venture next time you're in the market for florists.
1. The Flower Bazaar
Topping the list is The Flower Bazaar. Located at 920 5th St. in South Pointe, the florist and floral designer spot is the highest rated florist in Miami Beach, boasting 4.5 stars out of 32 reviews on Yelp.
2. Miami Beach Flowers
Next up is Bayshore's Miami Beach Flowers, situated at 445 W. 40th St. With 4.5 stars out of 22 reviews on Yelp, the florist has proven to be a local favorite.
3. Abbott Florist
Isle of Normandy's Abbott Florist, located at 1008 71st St., is another top choice, with Yelpers giving the florist 4.5 stars out of 18 reviews.