The City of Baltimore is currently navigating through a grievous period as it faces the brutal murder of Tai'Vion Latham, whose life was taken in West Baltimore—her identity as a transgender woman casting a stark light on issues of violence faced by the transgender community. Late on a Sunday morning, residents were encountered with a harrowing scene in an alleyway, where Latham's body was found shot and discarded, as reported by WMAR-2 News.
While the perpetrator remains at large, a sense of urgency prevails among those affected, the Maryland Safe Haven having borne witness to similar violent crimes against 28 other transgender individuals in the area over the last five years, signaling a persistent and troubling pattern that remains to be adequately addressed. In response to these concerns, Baltimore's Mayor Brandon Scott pledged equal attention and due diligence to this case by the Baltimore Police Department, a move which offers reassurances to a community all too familiar with indifference, as "Tai's friends who say there's always been violence against people who are transgender, but where there's violence, there should be justice," according to a statement reported by WMAR-2 News.
The sorrowful reality of such incidents was echoed by local resident Raymond Jefferson, a fixture on the western streets who converses daily about neighborhood happenings; when discussing the violence, including Lathan's murder, "When you hear that, it kind of irks you a little because you're wondering why? Why did it have to be that," Jefferson said, per Fox Baltimore. His reflections highlight the perplexity and frustration shared by many in the wake of seemingly incessant violence.
Concerned citizens are urged to contact Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7-LOCKUP to provide any information that may be crucial to the case—with assurances for anonymity.