The City of Dunwoody is embarking on an endeavor to chart its course through the next two decades with the launch of "Direction Dunwoody," an update to their Comprehensive Plan set to carve paths for development through 2045. This community-centric vision encompasses crucial elements like land use, transportation, and housing, and pivots on the contributions of its residents to shape its final form. Richard McLeod, Dunwoody's Community Development Director, emphasized the importance of communal input, declaring, "Public input is key to the process, and we look forward to finding new ways to get the community involved and engaged," in a statement obtained by the City of Dunwoody's website.
Residents can sling their voice into the communal pot through several initial avenues. There's an online survey ripe with queries regarding urban planning matters, and the chance to interface directly with city staffers and consultants under the pop-up tent at the Back-to-School Party at Bar(n), on August 9. For those inclined to the physicality of public spaces, a workshop awaits on September 10 at Park Place, where the early sketches of the future will be unfurled, and resident feedback sought.
The course updating the Comprehensive Plan is helmed by TSW, steering through a sea of demographic shifts, economic winds, and the currents of past community feedback. This process naturally dovetails with updates to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), working in tandem to both cast visions and craft the concrete policies to bring them into being. City Manager Eric Linton enshrined the spirit of these updates in a recent voicing, "This is an important part of our continued evolution as a young and growing city," as reported by the City of Dunwoody.
The UDO itself is undergoing a transformation aimed at streamlining development, stripping its codes down to their bare essentials to ensure clarity and ease of use. The potent mix of citizens' needs and the dynamism of a city in bloom is expected to yield a document both modern and user-friendly, translating community desires into the groundwork for the future Dunwoody.