Maple Grove residents, mark your calendars. According to a Facebook post by the city's government, next week bids a fond farewell to the full suite of summer entertainment offerings at Town Green. Yet, sadness should be tempered with the anticipation of live performances and family-friendly screenings that are still on tap.
The billing for next week starts on August 26 with "American Bootleg," bringing their rock cover prowess to the stage at 7 p.m. Turning the vibe to classic Rat Pack era, "Vintage Vegas," narrated by Mick Sterling, will grace the stage on August 28 at the same hour. For the young and young at heart, The Jolly Pops will provide kid-centric entertainment on August 29 at 10:30 a.m., followed by the screening of "The Barbie Movie", rated PG 13, when the evening fades to dusk on August 30.
And while these acts draw the curtain on the regular summer schedule, one rescheduled event promises to be a highlight. The "Grooves & Foods" event, hosted once again by Mick Sterling, is set to serve up "Beautiful Vision -- the essential songs of Van Morrison" on September 4. The music starts at 6:30 p.m., offering an encore for those who just can't get enough of the community's lively summer spirit.
Those interested in the living soundtrack to Maple Grove's summer won't have to wander far for their final fix. Just remember to slot that Van Morrison tribute into your calendar – a nostalgic coda to the balmy nights at Town Green – as detailed in the municipal Facebook announcement. With these harmonious occasions winding down, there's ample reason to catch these last few golden moments of the season before they, too, fade into the shortening days of autumn.