The Pinole Police Department has issued an alert for a missing at-risk individual, Ronald Linstad, an 84-year-old man last spotted in a green short-sleeve shirt and blue jeans. The alert, shared initially on their Facebook page, raises concerns over Linstead who reportedly suffers from short-term memory loss and mobility issues stemming from a prior back injury.
Linstad was last reported en route to a glass shop on 23rd St. in Richmond to have his rearview mirror replaced. The details of whether he arrived remain unknown. He was driving his blue 1990 Dodge Van, with license plate number 2RSE115. Officials are asking anyone who might come into contact with Linstad to be observant, as he is known to dearly frequent areas such as the Berkley Marina, Richmond Marina, and Pt Isabel Dog Park.
The police are concerned for Linstad's welfare due to his memory condition, and his difficulty in walking could significantly hinder his ability to navigate public spaces or to return home safely. Therefore, the Pinole Police Department is reaching out to the community to aid in locating Linstad and providing information that may assist them in ensuring his well-being.
Community members with any information that could lead to ascertaining Linstad's whereabouts are encouraged to contact the Pinole Police Department at 510-724-1111.