Poetry will soon be set in stone, or more accurately, in concrete, throughout Santa Clarita's pavements. In a creative mashup of urban planning and the arts, the city has called for submissions to its 2025 Sidewalk Poetry Project. The aim is to sprinkle the streets with verse, giving pedestrians a dose of culture with every step.
Santa Clarita welcomes all to contribute their succinct wordcraft. As reported on the city's official website, "All poets, whether amateur or professional, are welcome to submit their work." Even those who've tasted victory in past contests are invited to throw their hats in the ring once again.
The chosen poems will find a permanent home embedded into the city's sidewalks, allowing the expressions of creativity to be tread upon and contemplated by walkers of all stripes.
For details on how to plant your verse in Santa Clarita's concrete garden, be sure to visit city.sc/SidewalkPoetry.