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Published on November 29, 2024
Suffolk County Sheriff's Department Hosts 4th Annual Thanksgiving GiveawaySource: Suffolk County Sheriff's Department

The Suffolk County Sheriff's Department in Boston recently hosted a Thanksgiving giveaway, continuing a tradition started four years ago. They distributed forty turkeys along with all the fixings to help local families enjoy a full Thanksgiving dinner without the financial strain, as stated by the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department.

According to the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department on their Facebook page, Sheriff Steven W. Tompkins was involved in a goodwill initiative, overseeing the turkey giveaway organized by the Department's Richard P. Pacitti Reentry and Transitional Center. The event provided not only turkeys but also "trimmings, and a few extras," offering a complete holiday meal. Families in the community gathered at the House of Correction for the event.

Events like this help connect law enforcement with the community. They provide support to those in need and allow people to see officers in a different way. The Department’s annual event shows that people inside and outside the prison share common traditions, as reported by the Suffolk County Sheriff's Department.