As icy conditions persist, DeKalb County officials have decided to extend the State of Emergency, keeping it in effect for today. CEO Lorraine Cochran-Johnson emphasized the ongoing dangers of the harsh winter weather and is urging all residents to hunker down and limit their travel to absolute necessities. The decision to maintain heightened alert status comes amidst concerns for public safety posed by the relentless freeze. In a statement obtained by the county's official communication channel, Cochran-Johnson advised that "Our priority is the safety of every resident." She implored the community to avoid the roads to enable emergency responders to effectively do their work.
In an update provided by DeKalb County's news release, the situation seems grim with key thoroughfares like Rockbridge Road and River Road still being perilous. Despite rigorous efforts by road crews, the subzero temperatures continue to make conditions treacherous and traditional road treatments are struggling to keep effectively combat the ice.
For those who find it imperative to brave the outdoors, the county is urging extreme care. Recommending that anyone on the roads drive slowly and give a wide berth to areas especially prone to icing, such as bridges and low-lying spots. According to the official advisory, the best course of action remains to stay home, ensuring that emergency services can navigate the roads unobstructed to reach those in dire need.
Staying up-to-date in these conditions is key, and residents can do so by visiting the DeKalb County website or by signing up for emergency alerts through CodeRED and the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system. Aligning with Governor Kemp's broader statewide emergency order, this local declaration ensures that crucial resources are ready to immediately respond to the ongoing crisis. As CEO Cochran-Johnson put it, "We are grateful for the dedication of our emergency teams and road crews. Your patience and cooperation are crucial as we work together to weather this storm and keep DeKalb County safe."