Commuters on I-35 Southbound faced significant disruptions following a vehicular accident at Red Oak Rd. The DeSoto Police Department announced the incident on social media, urging drivers to find alternative paths and prepare for delays. According to the statement, the road was completely shut down as a result of the collision.
Investigations ensued, with the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers taking the lead on sweeping the crime scene for evidence. An update from the DeSoto Police Department timestamped at 3:10 pm, indicated that the road would remain closed for an additional hour and a half to two hours, as scans of the area were still ongoing. The precision of their work necessitated patience from the public and a temporary re-routing of the daily commute.
But there was relief in sight for drivers. As posted on the DeSoto Police Department's Facebook page, the I-35 Southbound and service road and highway were eventually reopened. The update, delivered at 6:30 pm, signaled the clearance of the site and the resumption of regular traffic flow.