Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on November 09, 2016
Thousands Rally In Mid-Market, Castro Against Trump's Election [Updating]Photo: Paul Foryt/Twitter

Throngs of protesters were on the march in downtown San Francisco this evening to demonstrate against Donald Trump's election to the presidency. The protest, which began at 5pm at Powell and Market streets, is on the march at the moment, headed to the Castro. 

Photo: Laura W./Hoodline
Protesters chant "Pussy grabs back." | Video: Laura W./Hoodline

While the exact size of the crowd was not known, a tipster on the scene estimated that it was in the thousands. Protesters could be heard chanting "Not my president," "Fuck Donald Trump," and "No racist USA, no Trump, no KKK."

Photo: Laura W./Hoodline

The protest snarled Muni lines on Market Street: 

Meanwhile, in the Castro, a planned 6pm candlelight vigil was already underway, with the two demonstrations likely to join forces later this evening.

Photo: Josh K./Hoodline

Thanks to Hoodline editor Fiona Lee and tipsters Laura W., Josh K., and Wigzy M. To share more photos and info from tonight's protests, you can text us at (415) 200-3233. 

Update, 5:56pm: Here are some more photos of the protest by Hoodline editor Fiona Lee: