Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on January 06, 2017
New Survey Seeks Input On Potential Parking-Protected Bike Lanes Along PanhandlePhoto: Camden Avery/Hoodline

Earlier this week, a neighborhood group called PRO|SF (Panhandle Residents Organization | Stanyan-Fulton) published a survey seeking community input on usage and possible changes to the Panhandle paths and adjacent Fell and Oak streets.

The content of the survey ranges broadly, but the crux of regards the possibility of dedicated bicycle lanes on Fell and Oak streets alongside the Panhandle.

The continuation of Oak and Fell Street bike lanes along the Panhandle have been a hot topic ever since the North of the Panhandle Neighborhood Association (NOPNA) floated the idea in a survey back in April. Based on community interest, SFMTA released a preliminary feasibility study in August, which concluded that losing a lane of traffic on Fell and Oak for bicycles would be possible, to the tune of $1.6 to $3.9 million, with an additional $900K to $1.5 million in changes to traffic signals

A diagram of proposed traffic flow from the SFMTA's August 2016 feasibility study. | Image via SFMTA

Tricia Stauber, community coordinator for PRO|SF, said their survey was designed to be a neighborhood supplement to data collected by the MTA and the survey conducted last year by NOPNA.

"We felt it imperative that we become involved because the residents of this neighborhood will feel their impact directly," Stauber said. "The goal of this survey is to gather information regarding neighbors thoughts and ideas about how they feel about having three lanes of traffic instead of four going from Baker to Shrader streets." She noted that the survey was intended for neighborhood residents only. 

PRO|SF's findings, she said, will be discussed at a January 31st meeting, with findings making their way to the MTA. "We're gathering this information so the residents of this neighborhood have a voice in the future plans of the SFMTA," she said.

NOPNA's survey found last year that, of around 680 respondents, 71 percent favored the notion of installing parking-protected bicycle lanes adjacent to the park, and removing one lane of traffic west of Baker Street to accommodate the change, which 28 percent preferred keeping things as they are. (You can see the full survey results here.)

The new neighborhood survey will be open to area residents through January 12th. So far, discussions around the idea are still in the early stages and are "not part of a formal project or planning initiative," SFMTA spokesman Ben Jose told the Examiner last month. However, it's possible the project could be considered for funding "in the agency’s next round of project considerations."