Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on August 28, 2018
Page Street parking changes, landscape improvements headed for final approvalPhoto: Teresa Hammerl/Hoodline

After nearly three years of planning and public engagement, proposed streetscape and parking changes on Page Street from Market to Webster streets are headed for final approval this month.

Earlier this month, the SFMTA announced that its staff will present phase one of the Page Street Neighborway project to the SFMTA Board of Directors for approval next Tuesday, September 4 at 1 p.m., at City Hall Room 400.

The Neighborway project aims to make Page Street a safer and more pleasant place to walk and bike to neighborhood destinations and nearby parks. Because the corridor is identified on the San Francisco Planning Department's Green Connections Network, it will also provide landscaping and other greening opportunities.

Phase one of the Neighborway project would extend from Market Street to Webster Street, where approximately $2 million of developer impact fees are being allocated to plan, design, and implement improvements.

As currently proposed, the project would replace up to 12 parking spaces on and adjacent to Page Street.

Image: SFMTA

The current Page Street proposal also includes a one-year pilot for eastbound traffic diverter at Webster Street, an extended sidewalk with a rain garden as a replacement for existing on-street bike parking on Laguna Street, extended sidewalks at Gough Street, and a traffic-calmed raised intersection and extended sidewalks with landscape rain gardens at Buchanan Street.

Further changes might include infill street trees between Gough and Market streets, while new bike parking is proposed for the southeast corner of the Laguna Street intersection.

So far, the SFMTA has received approximately 80 emails in support of the project, as well as a handful of comments opposing the loss of on-street parking.

Two aspects of the project will require sign-offs from other city agencies: the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission must confirm that green stormwater infrastructure and rain gardens can be included with most sidewalk extensions, and SF Public Works must approve the proposal for a raised intersection at Buchanan Street.

According to the current project timeline, construction would start sometime next year.

A proposed second phase for the Page Street project has yet to undergo its planning and outreach stages, but would extend from Webster Street to Stanyan Street, concluding at the entrance to Golden Gate Park.

Comments on the proposal can be mailed to the SFMTA Board of Directors at One South Van Ness Ave, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. Residents can also email [email protected] or [email protected] with the subject line "SFMTA Board of Directors." The deadline to submit a comment is next Tuesday, September 4.