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Published on December 08, 2023
Miami's Solid Waste Department Closes for Christmas, Reschedules Trash PickupSource: City of Miami Official Website

The City of Miami Department of Solid Waste has declared it'll be taking a break for the holiday. No collection of garbage, bulky trash, or recycling will take place on Monday, December 25, as crews will be off celebrating like the rest of us. Services are set to return to their regular hustle on Tuesday, December 26, the city of Miami announced.

Residents who receive recycling services on the 4th Monday of the month will have collection on Wednesday, December 27.

Mini Dump Facility closes its gates on Christmas day, but on December 26, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., it will resume its operation. Proof of City of Miami residency is required.

Residents of Miami are advised to retain their garbage, recycling, and bulky trash until the scheduled pickup day. Upon the resumption of services, residents should place their garbage, recycling, or bulky trash items in front of their homes, ensuring a five-foot distance from any objects on the public right of way.

Miami-Community & Society