Minneapolis is grappling with the aftermath of a fatal Officer Involved Shooting (OIS) late Wednesday night. According to a bulletin released by the Minneapolis Police Department, the incident took place at approximately 9:19 pm in the 3400 block of Hiawatha Avenue.
Chief Brian O’Hara informed that the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is now undertaking an investigation into the events that left a suspect dead at the hands of local law enforcement. Residents had previously reported, a man with a handgun who appeared to be talking to himself in the area—this led to the fatal confrontation. The pursuit, which ended in the man refusing to relinquish his handgun despite clear commands, was captured on body-worn cameras, footage of which will be released in adherence to MN Statute 13.825.
The initial encounter arose after a 9:03 p.m. 911 call from the 3000 Block of 29th Av S on June 12. Residents had alerted authorities to a man with a handgun, seemingly alone yet engaged in conversation with himself, O’Hara detailed in his briefing. Subsequent reports about a man brandishing a gun at the 3400 block of Hiawatha Av added to the tension, leading responding officers to confront the individual after a foot pursuit.
The short chase ended with the suspect, still armed, encountering law enforcement officials who demanded he drop the weapon. In the ensuing moment, described by O'Hara as a "use of deadly force," officers reportedly attempted to render medical aid to the suspect after the shooting. The individual, whose handgun was found to be jammed, died later at Hennepin Healthcare. All officers involved have been placed on administrative leave, which is a normal procedure after such events.
Chief O'Hara, while withholding judgment until the BCA completes its investigation, preliminarily expressed his belief that the officer's actions appeared to align with the justifiable use of force under the circumstances. “This appears to be an individual who was armed with a handgun and acting irrationally and I’m thankful that no one else was harmed by this incident,” said O'Hara. Four officers are involved in the incident, with three implicated in the deployment of lethal force. The BCA will release further details as the investigation continues.