Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on December 08, 2015
Peskin Taking D3 Supe Seat Today, As Christensen Ends Tenure [Updated]Photos: Courtesy of Julie Christensen (left) and Aaron Peskin (right)

At today's Board of Supervisors meeting, Aaron Peskin is expected to take his seat representing District 3. Julie Christensen, whom he defeated for the seat in last month's election, sent a statement announcing the end of her tenure:

A year ago, with then-Supervisor David Chiu’s transition to State office, it became necessary for Mayor Edwin M. Lee to appoint someone to represent the residents of District 3 until an election could take place. I am honored by the trust the Mayor placed in me and grateful for his support of me and of my efforts as District 3 Supervisor. I am grateful to the Mayor’s staff, to my colleagues at the board and to the many residents of our district who have helped me fulfill the responsibilities of this office. I am especially grateful to my staff, Kanishka Burns, Gary McCoy and Mason Lee, who have worked so hard for me and for our district.

I am enormously proud of what we were able to accomplish in the last year: adding rent controlled housing; expanding and improving the 88 Broadway affordable housing project; advancing the extension of the Central Subway and planning for improvements to our Central Police Station and quality of life projects like relamping the historic street lights atop Telegraph Hill; repairing the iconic Macondray Lane steps; making needed upgrades and repairs to our parks and enhancing pedestrian safety through sidewalk and intersection repairs. I hope the residents of our very special District 3 know that in the last year, their needs and concerns were foremost in all that we did.

Peskin has been out of reach for the past few weeks for a post-election trip to Nepal. For more on what he plans to do once he's on the Board, check out our interview from November

Update, 11:40am: Peskin will officially be sworn in at today's Board of Supervisors meeting, according to the Chronicle. His legislative aides will be Sunny Angulo, who ran his campaign; Lee Hepner, who’s on the board of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club; and Connie Chan, who until now has worked in communications for the Recreation and Park Department.

The BOS will also be postponing its vote on the proposed SoMa jail until next week, so Peskin can "meet with everybody and hear what everybody has to say.”