Crime & Emergencies in ...
Police said the man died this morning after an hours-long standoff.
There doesn't appear to be any evidence of foul play, said officials.
Community & Society in ...
The move is a direct response to increased enforcement activity by federal agencies.
A new law proposed by State Senator Scott Weiner would make it easier to prosecute auto burglars.
This is the fourth reported attack in the last month.
Typically, a hearing is held to determine the fate of potentially dangerous dogs.
Transportation & Infrastructure in ...
Drivers may see parking rates surge in the city's busiest areas.
Ms. Jane Smith, a 99-year-old member of the church's congregation, attended the signing ceremony.
Sophie Lee previously received the Mayor's Principal of the Year award.
Parks & Nature in ...
The club's closure left behind contamination from lead pellets and clay pigeons.
Politics & Govt in ...
However, Sup. Ronen argued the the legislation was "meaningless" and would not address bicycle theft.
Arts & Culture in ...
"We've got to start bringing down these symbols of white supremacy."
Her husband helped injured people after the shooting.