Large parts of Valencia, Fillmore, and Haight Streets get speeds reduced to 20 MPH
A new law took effect January 1 allowing streets with dining and retail to lower their speed limits, and San Francisco wasted no time implementing this on seven retail-heavy streets.
San Francisco/ Hayes Valley/ Mission/ Duboce Triangle/ Castro-Transportation & InfrastructureTransportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoHayes ValleyMissionDuboce TriangleCastro
Transportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoHayes ValleyMissionDuboce TriangleCastroFinal phase of Upper Market Street Safety Project construction begins July 1
Construction on the final phase of the Upper Market Street Safety Project is set to begin Thursday, July 1. The project aims to increase safety and comfort for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike on Upper Market Street between Octavia Boulevard and Castro Street.
27-Bryant bus service to return January 23 on a new route
The 27-Bryant bus route will restart on January 23, 2021, on a realigned route that aims to speed up service while still improving access to low-cost food and healthcare options for Tenderloin residents.
City seeks new solutions for protecting Slow Streets, after drivers plow through signs
The signs protecting the city's new network of car-free streets have been repeatedly vandalized, graffitied and hit by cars.
Speed bumps installed on Dolores Street hill after multiple serious skateboarding injuries [Updated]
A male passerby sustained life-threatening injuries resulting from a Friday "hill bomb" on Dolores, and two skateboarders were also hurt.
San Francisco/ Upper Haight/ Hayes Valley/ Mission/ Outer Sunset/ Inner Sunset/ Tenderloin-Transportation & InfrastructureTransportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoUpper HaightHayes ValleyMissionOuter SunsetInner SunsetTenderloin
Transportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoUpper HaightHayes ValleyMissionOuter SunsetInner SunsetTenderloinSan Francisco to close some streets to car traffic for social distancing
Starting this week, some streets will be closed to through vehicle traffic in order to prioritize walking and biking as well as to provide more space for social distancing.
San Francisco/ Mission/ Potrero Hill/ Bayview/ Bernal Heights-Transportation & InfrastructureTransportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoMissionPotrero HillBayviewBernal Heights
Transportation & Infrastructure in ...
All CitiesSan FranciscoMissionPotrero HillBayviewBernal HeightsWidening, rebuilding work shuts down "Hairball" bike path until May
The path, one of only a few connecting southeastern neighborhoods to downtown, is getting an upgrade.